

Look forward to sharing you in the new future.

  • Recruit
  • Why KC

Why KC

The talent that our company wants

Talent who challenges toward dreams based on confidence that "I can do it, I will do it,"
and focuses on realizing organizational values and focusing on mission and vision.


  • Health insurance, national pension plan, occupational health insurance, employment insurance
  • Social insurance
    Support to join a collective insurance related to workers’ compensation
  • Financial support for family events
    Congratulation/condolence program,
    paid leave
  • Support for children’s
    school expenses
    Provide the full amount of school tuitions from high school to college graduation.
  • Transportation expense support
    Commuter shuttle bus service,
    parking lot available
  • Welfare benefits
    Welfare benefits/gift given in each national holiday and memorial days/anniversaries
  • Award for model employee
    with long service
    Award according to performance
    and years of service.
  • Health checkup
    Once a year or over, regular/special checkup