- 2018
- Oxide material for 3~5㎛ mid infrared optical glass; its parts and application system
- 2017
- COOK TOP 1X1 Developed low-heat expansion crystallization glass board technology at 0-6/℃ or under.
- 2012
- Developed the eco-friendly ”Direct electric current-type COLD TOP ALL ELECTRIC FURNACE“ achieving higher energy efficiency without greenhouse gas and environmental pollutant emissions.
- 2012
- Research on energy management system to save glass process energy and reduce CO2
- 2011
- Established an exhaust gas treatment system by recycling the waste heat of the glass melting line and developed energy saving and GHG reduction procedures.
- 2011
- Energy saving and GHG reduction system by recycling the waste heat of glass furnace
- 2010
- Developed an eco-friendly mold ceramic coating technology for glass bottles that needs no lubricative oil use.
- 2010
- Established GHG inventory for the glass industry.
- 2009
- Alkaline ingredient correction in cullet remelting
- 2004
- Energy and raw material cost saving in cullet use of glass furnace
- 2000
- Analyzed and examined the cause of glass defect occurring in the glass tank.
- 1999
- Energy Consumption according to Change in Regenerator Checker Packing Height
- 1998
- Study on the heat balance and melting change of glass melting tank
- 1997
- Examined rider arch stability with increasing surface load of glass-tank checker chamber.
- 1986
- Glass color change according to Redox No in amber glass